Quoting Daniel O'Connor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Tuesday 11 April 2006 06:07, Chris H. wrote:
> but I have no clue how I can bypass the second step, which is installing
> the if_myk.ko to /boot/kernel
> I have tried to cp if_yk.ko /boot/kernel/

bad idea.

Maybe you should elaborate as to why..

See below...

It shouldn't do any *harm*.

The only downside will be that if you build a new kernel you'll no longer be
able to load it automatically (because it will be in /boot/kernel.old)

For testing purposed you could just unpack it into, say, /tmp and then do
kldload ./if_yk.ko

If that works OK then copy it into /boot/modules and add

This is the correct location for modules. Hence my "bad idea" comment.
But if you had sourced: /boot/defaults/loader.conf, man loader.conf
then you already figured this out, and know why I might have said "bad idea". :)

--Chris H.

to /boot/loader.conf

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
 -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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