
I must be missing something because I can't get xdm to work happily
with pam_winbind. The 6.1 system is joined to a Windows domain and
aware of domain users. I log on to the machine using my domain account
via SSH and all is well.

I've enabled xdm and restarted init. Connections from any host are
permitted. I have also modified the pam.d/xdm file to use the winbind
pam module for authentication.

I get a login screen and my username and password are correctly
checked against Active Directory. I have setup a ~/.xsession file
which should log me in and start a Gnome environment.

What actually happens is that the connection seems to drop and
reconnect and I end up back at an xdm prompt. In the system messages
log I have the following:

xdm: pam_sm_close_session(): no utmp record for DESKTOP:0

* DESKTOP is the hostname of my desktop system from which I am

I tried commenting out the session line in pam.d/xdm which this
message comes from, it removes the error but doesn't change the
behaviour so I assume it is not directly related.

I couldn't find anything in the Handbook to help me on my way.
If anyone could tell me the missing link I would appreciate it greatly.

Dominic Marks
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