On Jun 30, 2006, at 8:08 PM, Dan Charrois wrote:

In any case, the server is used heavily all year except July, so this is my time of year to take things apart, update software, etc. And so I'm wondering - what is the recommended version of FreeBSD I should be running if stability is of the utmost importance? Should I migrate to the 6.x stream? Is it relatively solid? Or should I stay with 5.4 for now? I've seen some messages posted periodically from various people running into problems,

I don't have any 2850's but the 1850 I have has been running 6.0 since the BETA1, and last night just upgraded it to 6.1. No issues. The PERC 4e/Si card is phenominally fast on this system (running 2 disk RAID1). I'd recommend you to run 6.1 as it is stable on all of my Dell systems that run it (and I'm migrating the older FreeBSD boxes to 6.1 as time permits).

If you already have > 1 CPU, you might as well leave hyperthreading off. There are cases where it degenerates performance rather than enhance it.

As for mysql version, "no comment" :-)

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