
While talking about custom patches, what's the best way to apply patches after every cvsup.

In my case I'm using custom patches for bktr and network driver nfe from HEAD.
As freebsd 6.2 is coming soon and there is work in progress on nfsmb
and I would like to test those new features/drivers I cvsup very often
and sometimes I forget to apply my custom patches :)
The good thing is that all my patches are in kernel sources so pre-compiling kernel after patch solve the problem, but it is nasty when I do this remotely and forget
to compile nfe driver ;)

I saw few other distributions that have a directory with custom patches that are applied
before compilation. What's the FreeBSD way in this direction ? :)

Yar Tikhiy wrote:
On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 03:04:09PM -0500, Dan Nelson wrote:
In the last episode (Oct 24), Doug Barton said:
Duane Whitty wrote:
Patching it myself after every cvs update is not such a big deal; It
is forgetting to patch it after every update which is a big deal.
Write a little script for yourself that calls cvsup then runs patch
so you won't forget. :)
Or cvsup the CVS repository (instead of using checkout mode), check out
your working tree from there, and run "cvs update" to update your
sources, which will preserve local changes.

... or run a local CVS/SVN/whatever repo and keep your
customized FreeBSD source tree in it and import recent
FreeBSD changes once in a while, as tough guys do... :-)

Well, returning to the main topic, inability to run Flash
can be a good thing, after all, if your browser doesn't
have a knob to turn the damned thing off. :-)  But what
else suffers in an unpatched system?

Best Wishes,
Stefan Lambrev
ICQ# 24134177

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