JoaoBR wrote:

I am not convinced that this kind of test is of any value for comparing systems at all because there are too much factors involved - unless the competitors are installed on identical hardware. On the other side I think it is usefull to compare tweaked settings on a particular machine. For example you may change fsize/bsize of the filesystem or any other and can compare this results then.

Exactly, that's why I did the comparison - I think you missed the part where I mentioned the 2 systems were *identical* with respect to cpus, memory, mobo - in fact even the power supplies are identical too! the only differences are that the Gentoo system has a different RAID controller from the FreeBSD one (a cheaper one in fact), and the FreeBSD system has larger capacity disks (slightly newer variants, same brand!) given this comparison is about *cached* read rates, the RAID controllers and disks are not significant I think.


Gentoo :
- Supermicro P3TDER
- 2xSL5QL 1.26 GHz PIII
- 2xKingston PC133 RCC Registered 1GB DIMMS
- Promise TX4000 4x Maxtor plus 8 ATA-133 7200 40G

- Supermicro P3TDER
- 2xSL5QL 1.26 GHz PIII
- 2xKingston PC133 RCC Registered 1GB DIMM
- 3Ware 7506 4x Maxtor Plus 9 ATA-133 7200 80G

In fact, to indulge your skepticism ('cause I think this is a real issue worth sorting out), I booted the FreeBSD system with a Gentoo livecd and ran the same tests there... and guess what - identical results to the installed Gentoo errm - *my* experimental method is how about we just get together and see how to make FreeBSD kick Gentoo eh?


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