

I connect to my freebsd box via ssh using putty from a WindowsXP
workstation, I want to run a process on the freebsd box, then close my ssh
session (closing putty) while keeping the process running.

So I run my process like this : # myprogram &, then I exit the shell.

But when I do that, I can see with ps that my process go from "TT" "p0" to
"TT" "p0-" and the application doesn't work anymore. For information, the
program I want to be able to run via ssh then close the ssh session is the
moinmoin wiki which is a wiki written in python.

In man ps I can see that the trailing "-" after "p0" means my process can
no longer reach the controlling terminal... But what can I do to achieve
my goal ?
Did you try "disown" before closing ssh ?
Anyway if you want to be able to restore (on foreground) your application then you need screen from ports.
But if you just want to start something as daemon this work for me:
./app ^Z
exit :)
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