
>>>>> On Tue, 01 May 2007 09:59:03 +0900
>>>>> vuthecuong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

cuongvt> Is there a utility to allow input vietnamese?
cuongvt> Currently I'm using Scim-anthy for Japanese input.
cuongvt> I heared that m17n can be used to input about 17 languages including 
cuongvt> Vietnamese.
cuongvt> I already searched Google but still dont know  what is it's exact name.
cuongvt> Could anyone give me some info about input Vietnamese.
cuongvt> Tnx.

I think it's ports/devel/m17n-lib.  Though there is scim-plugin called
scim-m17n, it is not supplied by the ports.
There is a port of a plugin for UIM; ports/textproc/uim-m17nlib.
Perhaps, you can use it from SCIM using ports/japanese/scim-uim.


Hajimu UMEMOTO @ Internet Mutual Aid Society Yokohama, Japan
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