On Tue, May 29, 2007 at 11:45:15AM +0200, Volker wrote:
> Hi!
> Reading some of the latest blog entries today, I've seen there has
> been some (newbie) user frustration with the latest X.org upgrade
> (mostly by not reading docs or not understanding the ports system at
> all). flz@ and des@ had a lot of trouble with some guys.
> Currently, if a new user is trying out FreeBSD, he will most likely
> set up a 6.2-RELEASE system and end up in the X.org upgrade war. As a
> new user is most likely not prepared to manage the system at all, he
> will most likely probe FreeBSD being unmaintainable (as he will most
> likely not know how to deal with ports at all).

A new user setting up a 6.2-RELEASE system will most likely use the
packages and/or the ports tree that shipped with 6.2-RELEASE.

The X.org upgrade will only be a concern to such a user *if* he upgrades
his ports tree.  Most new users will likely not know how to do that.

> While reading about all that latest trouble, I think it might not be a
> bad idea to have a (quick) release cycle and release something like
> 6.2.1-RELEASE (6.3 is still TBA). I'm considering the latest X.org
> upgrade being a major upgrade which would justify a release cycle (@
> flz: you did a great job). That would keep the trouble from new users
> and also from some mailing lists.
> I know there's a release cycle for 7-CURRENT planned next June but
> IMHO it can be delayed for some weeks.
> What does the core and releng team think? It might do good.

A quick release cycle for a release from -STABLE sounds like a bad idea.
There have been enough new things that have gone into the 6-STABLE branch
that a full release cycle seems warranted.

I also think that it would be a bad idea to create *any* new release until
after the X.org upgrade has settled down - it has not done that quite yet
as far as I can tell.

<Insert your favourite quote here.>
Erik Trulsson
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