Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
On Wed, Oct 24, 2007 at 08:27:10AM +0200, [LoN]Kamikaze wrote:
df -h reports that on /var 1.5G of 1.9G are used and only 237M of free space

However doing a
du -hd 1 /var

and summing up the results I only get to less than 200M of used space, so there are 1.3G unaccounted for. fsck in single user mode does not recognize a

Try looking at tunefs(8), particularly the -m flag.  That amount of
space is kept for root (the user).

As in most cases the problem was sitting between the chair and the keyboard. I
simply overlooked the G when I read that /var/log contained 1.3G of data.

I'm sorry for wasting the precious time of those who read or even replied with
my stupidity.

Sounds like you need to make a few entries in /etc/newsyslog
First thing I do when I add any new apps is give their logs a life cycle.
All too quickly logs become bulky and you find /var holding it's breath.

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