> How long have you run 7.0 (before release)?  From all the other  
> responses it seems lots of ppl use 7.0 on these without any problems  
> at all.

I've been running it since last september - never had any problem with
it, and am pretty convinced it is stable.

> This is where I'm a bit curious. What OS interaction does iLO do? That  
> needs to be "compatible" i mean.

Booting from the CD - I had one FreeBSD/iLO combination which would noit
boot from the emulated CD. I needed to use the floppies and do a network
install. That was painful - I can't remember the version though. Certainly
I have had no such probelsm with 7.0 and the latest iLO.

> SOL capabilities.. To what degree can I remote control with iLO? If  

It acts as a complete console - just as if you were sitting in front
of the machine. You can see the screen, use keyboard and mouse, and
attack images as CD's or floppies.

> iLO over internet? Possible, impossible? Encryption? (yes i know, not  
> exactly freebsd related questions but.. )

iLO runs over https so is encrypted. It does run better from a Windows
client than anything else sadly - but I keep a wWindows box around
for this purpose. Have just installed a set of machines somewhere in
Louisianna remotely, whilst sitting in bed in London with a cup of tea :
using an OSX laptop :-) I love iLO...

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