On Wed, 16 Jul 2008, Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Jul 16, 2008, at 8:51 PM, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 06:34:38PM +0100, Matthew Seaman wrote:
The 'query-source' options don't have to be specified: the system
will just choose some appropriate address according to the state of
the routing table.  'query-source' to set the source /IP/ is really
only useful in some specific server configurations with several alias
addresses any of which could be used.  That's pretty rare really.

Isn't this common to have multiple aliases at an interface?
Sometimes only one of them should be used for all DNS traffic.

About the only common reason to set up multiple aliases on an interface is when you're doing something like hosting multiple SSL webservers on a single box which actually need to have distinct IPs as a consequence. Other than that, using public IPs for aliases is usually wasteful of IP address space.

I think another common reason is portability of services. When I setup a box, it gets an IP that sticks with that piece of hardware. Each distinct service that I pile onto it then gets it's own IP. This has at least two major advantages that I've found:

-If the box dies, it's easy to move any of the services to another box without waiting for DNS changes to propogate.

-If one of the services outgrows the box, it's a simple matter to move that service elsewhere, again without playing with DNS.

I also will sometimes move services away for a major upgrade of the box. All of this becomes simple when you just bring an alias down on one box and up on another.

Next step, putting each service in a jail and moving the jail when needed.


On the internets, it always does. :)



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