Howdy FreeBSD wireless mailing list,

Looking to help, only item on this list ( I'm competent to address is "net80211 regulatory".  I read the "regdomain" manpage ... no help there.

My assumptions:

 * the data you're looking to clean up/update/refactor is
 * you have some idea what you want this file to look like afterwards
   (an example would be very helpful)
 * the information you want added is available somewhere (FCC site,
   IEEE site, ...)

If my assumptions are correct and no-one's already doing it, my questions are:

 * the regulatory database is indexed by SKU, rather than by country.
   So adding a new _country_ is actually rather annoyingly difficult.
     o There's a <country-codes> section that links to <rd>, so either
       someone's already done the work here or I need this item explained.
 * Change the regulatory database code to be indexed by something that
   isn't hard-coded, and have the "regulatory domain entry index" map
   _to_ an SKU where needed.
     o "regulatory database code" meaning <rd id="...">?
     o Since SKU in this context is not a Stock Keeping Unit ...
       definition please?
 * This lets me do useful things like _update the regulatory database_..
     o When you refer to the "regulatory database", do you just mean
       "/etc/regdomain.xml"?  And what updates are you trying to do
       that are currently difficult?
 * extend it to support new frequency ranges (60GHZ, VHF white spaces);
   in KHz settings rather than MHz increments;
     o Current <freqband>s are in MHz, not hard to change them to KHz. 
       Would obviously impact every program that reads the file ...
     o If I understand correctly, adding new freq ranges is just data
       entry.  If so, is there a link to the new frequency ranges you
       want added?
 * add VHT flags and 80/80+80/160MHz wide channel widths.
     o More data entry.  Link to the data you want added?

If having me add data, refactor, change hierarchy, etc. is helpful let me know.  If it sounds like there'll be too much handholding, no hard feelings.


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