Aşağıdaki kuralı pf.conf a yazdığım zaman mail istekleri hala diğer hattan 
gitmeye devam ediyor. Quick ifadesini de koymam gerekli midir? Yoksa ekstradan 
bir kural daha yazmam lazım mı? Pf.conf un çıktısı şu şekilde:



scrub in all

nat on $ext_if from $int_net to any -> $ext_if
nat on $ext_ifadsl from $int_net to any -> $ext_ifadsl

rdr pass log(all) on $int_if proto tcp from $int_net to any port 80 -> port 3128
rdr pass log(all) on $ext_if proto tcp from $rdp to any port 3389 -> port 3389
rdr pass log(all) on $ext_ifadsl proto tcp from $rdp to any port 3389 -> port 3389

block in log(all)
block out log(all)

pass out keep state

pass quick on lo

block in log(all) quick on $int_if proto tcp from any to any port 1863

pass in log(all) on $int_if route-to ($ext_ifadsl $ext_adslmodemip) inet proto 
tcp from $int_net to any port { 25, 110 } keep state

pass in log(all) on $int_if from $int_net to any keep state

pass in log(all) on $ext_if proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port 26 keep state

pass in log(all) on $ext_ifadsl proto tcp from any to ($ext_ifadsl) port 26 
keep state

pass in log(all) on $int_if proto tcp from $int_net to any port {10000} keep 

pass in log(all) on $int_if proto udp from $int_net to any port {53}

-----Original Message-----
From: Murat Balaban [mailto:mu...@enderunix.org] 
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 10:37 AM
To: freebsd@lists.enderunix.org
Subject: RE: [FreeBSD] trafik yönlendirme

Yanlis yazmisim, dogrusu:

pass in on $int_if route-to ($ext_ifadsl $ext_adslmodemip) inet proto
tcp  from $lan_net to any port { 25, 110} keep state

FreeBSD 6 kitabi: http://www.acikakademi.com/catalog/freebsd6
Listeye soru sormadan once lutfen http://ipucu.enderunix.org sitesine bakiniz.

Cikmak icin, e-mail: freebsd-unsubscr...@lists.enderunix.org
Liste arsivi: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.org.user-groups.bsd.turkey
