On Sun, 22 Jul 2012, Nick M. Daly wrote:

Bryan, is this ready for me to add to the weekly images?  This might
solve FreedomBuddy's OpenVPN service control issues.

It's waiting for review/consensus/merge, but at this point there have been no complaints so it's probably good to go? Does Plinth or the freedombox foundation have licensing policy or guidelines? Should I delegate copyright to the foundation? Sort of a mountain over a molehill for this patch.

I should probably give the code a one-over and include a HOWTO; I'll do this tomorrow (tuesday).

Does anybody have thoughts on logical error handling behavior? Some of the existing Plinth code (eg, hostname changer) would try to revert changes when they failed; i'm not sure if that behavior should be implemented at the exmachina (library/wrapper) level or left to application logic.


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