Hi Leni Kadali Mutungi,

I wonder who comes up with the topic for each project, is it the interns

As far as I know, FreedomBox suffers from two major problems:
1. accessibility - the ability to reach one's FreedomBox over the internet
2. backup - providing a secure backup mechanism to be able to protect
against data loss

#2 has been addressed partially with work from an intern who worked with
us on Tahoe-LAFS.
#1 will be a great project to work on for someone willing to spend 3
months on it.

The details of #1 haven't been worked out yet, but if the solution is
going to be blockchain-based I can help. I have some experience building
a blockchain-based solution as part of another open-source project
called sovrin. Maybe I can provide some mentoring if required.

Maybe we can brainstorm more with the community and come up with a good
internship project, if not one of the above two.

Joseph Nuthalapati
Application Developer

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