Sorry for just dumping the list. Here's a well-compiled gist with proper
links and formatting.

Joseph Nuthalapati

On Friday 01 December 2017 04:05 PM, Joseph Nuthalapati wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I took the list of packages from
> and ran a script to
> determine which of them are available on Debian testing. I used the
> `apt show` command for this and maybe had a lot of false negatives,
> but the 85 packages I got out of the list is still something to look
> forward to. Here is the list of packages I got. We can consider
> integrating some of them for FreedomBox in the future. ['awstats',
> 'goaccess', 'medusa', 'rss-bridge', 'triggerhappy', 'pluxml',
> 'wordpress', 'calendarserver', 'calypso', 'davical', 'gnunet',
> 'mumble', 'ring', 'synapse', 'syndie', 'tox', 'postal', 'courier-mta',
> 'exim', 'maildrop', 'opensmtpd', 'postfix', 'qmail', 'sendmail',
> 'dovecot', 'piler', 'mailman', 'postal', 'schleuder', 'sympa', 'imp',
> 'roundcube', 'weechat', 'znc', 'asterisk', 'kamailio', 'diaspora*',
> 'isso', 'ejabberd', 'pico', 'spip', 'wordpress', 'cups', 'rss2email',
> 'git-annex', 'samba', 'sparkleshare', 'syncthing', 'unison', 'z-push',
> 'transmission', 'coquelicot', 'onionshare', 'guacamole', 'horde',
> 'sogo', 'moodle', 'mopidy', 'mpd', 'crtmpserver', 'flumotion',
> 'rygel', 'zoneminder', 'geneweb', 'infinoted', 'gist', 'mediagoblin',
> 'photoshow', 'plumi', 'iodine', 'pound', 'privoxy', 'squid',
> 'tinyproxy', 'searx', 'fossil', 'gitlab', 'klaus', 'trac', 'jenkins',
> 'taskwarrior', 'otrs', 'dokuwiki', 'gitit', 'mediawiki']
> -- Joseph Nuthalapati

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