Hi Joseph,
Am Donnerstag, den 07.12.2017, 11:22 +0530 schrieb Joseph Nuthalapati:
>     Adding to Daddy's reply.
>     We have plans for including a blog application with FreedomBox,
> but
>     if you want to host a website, you can simply host it from Apache
> by
>     adding the files in /var/www/html.
>     FreedomBox serves Plinth by default. This configuration is in
>     /etc/apache2/conf-available/freedombox.conf. Delete the following
>     line from the file and Apache will serve your website files
> instead.
>     You can still access Plinth from /plinth.
>     RedirectMatch "^/$" "/plinth"

Thanks for working out this solution.If there is an update e.g. of
apache, will this cause a debconf prompt? Those are always an issue
with unattended upgrades.
By the way, I am currently using ikiwiki to generate my homepage.
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