On 02/24/2018 02:16 PM, stathis kastritis wrote:
> hello. im really new with freedombox. an i get stuck to early :) i
> flashed a micro sd card with img file for raspberry 2 an i have a pi 3.i
> connect the pi as the instruction on video said but.... nothing is
> happened the pi does not start the installation. what i did wrong????i
> double check everything
> -- 
> Καστρίτης Ευστάθιος


The raspberry2 image will not work on Raspberry Pi 3. You need a
raspberry3 image.

Unfortunately, there's isn't a stable raspberry3 image yet. We can check
whether it is possible to build one.

There is a "testing" raspberry3 image listed here:
It's quite recent, not sure if anyone tried it yet.


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