
On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 11:11 PM, Antony Gordon <cuzint...@gmail.com> wrote:
> AFAIK no one on this project is interested in building a C compiler from 
> scratch for
> the purposes of developing FreeDOS.

Nobody's directly working on such, AFAIK, unless you count SmallerC
(which is not DOS nor FreeDOS exclusive but does partially support

> DJGPP can’t reliably generate code for all the DOS modes which rules it out, 
> MSC and the Borland compilers.

FreePascal's i8086-msdos can target all models, but that's TP and
Delphi, not ISO C nor POSIX.

> The only 2 compilers that could possibly be customized would be Bruce’s C 
> compiler
> which I hear is missing some things and OpenWatcom.

DeSmet C or SmallerC both work, but they don't support all models. And
the latter is always 386+ (which isn't that big a deal at this late

Actually, I think SmallerC is quite good, and I still want to make an
official package one of these days.

> I guess it was/is a stupid idea anyway so there’s no real need to discuss it 
> further.

The idea to have a slim or DOS-only build isn't stupid. But I guess
most people don't have the motivation. I find it vaguely interesting,
but even I would be overwhelmed trying to rebuild OpenWatcom. I still
haven't tried the latest 2.0-pre builds:


("open-watcom-2_0-c-dos.exe" is 107.7 MB, presumably .ZIP sfx compressed again.)

IIRC, the full OW 1.9 DOS install (only for DOS targets) was "only"
like 45 MB or so.

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