
On Sun, Jun 24, 2018 at 4:41 AM, Mateusz Viste <mate...@nospam.viste.fr> wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Jun 2018 21:09:17 -0500, David McMackins wrote:
>> I've noticed that PASSWORD is written for FreePascal, but the executable
>> in the distribution is only 8k in size. When I compile myself, it is
>> 60k. How is it being stripped to that small size?
> I wrote it ages ago, and I guess FreePascal gained some bloat in the mean
> time. Try compiling it with FreePascal's version from 2005.

It's strongly not recommended to use any FPC before 2008 or so
(2.2.2), and they don't even host any of those themselves anymore.
Sure, one or two luddites still prefer to use ancient 1.x versions,
but it's a bit unreasonable. Besides bugs (and other obscure reasons),
there's not much (if any) advantage to using older, weaker versions.
The better compatibility, newer dialect features, and copious bugfixes
outweigh any accidentally slightly-smaller older binaries. Just FYI.

It's better to try using the latest version (3.0.4) and report a bug
(so that it can be fixed), if you find a problem. At least newer
versions are still maintained.


> It's also possible I compiled the final release using Turbo Pascal, if I 
> noticed
> back then that it could significantly decrease the binary's size... I'm
> not sure of anything.
> Also, it's UPXed of course.

UPX-UCL does make slightly larger binaries since it lacks (compatible
but better but closed) NRV. Well, unless you use LZMA, which wasn't
available in UPX (IIRC) in 2005 anyways. Upstream UPX uses NRV by
default. (I don't want to split hairs, just mentioning that it does
make a very small difference.)

But the small size differences don't necessarily matter as much due to
your local disk's cluster size, especially if you're going to .ZIP it
up anyways. I'm just saying, don't sweat the small stuff!


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