
On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 6:21 AM, TK Chia <u1049321...@caramail.com> wrote:
> I have uploaded updated packages at
> https://github.com/tkchia/build-ia16/releases/tag/20180616-update-20180708 .

Okay, I've downloaded this now but haven't tried it yet.

Please don't feel pressure from me about this, but
"build-ia16-20180616-update-20180708.zip" (35 kb) is only some small
files, not the full sources. Obviously the rest is on Github. But what
exactly do you need to rebuild this? (I probably won't try, just
curious anyways.) Ubuntu (18.04?) host OS (and various dependencies)?
Full GCC 6.x sources (etc)?

I also noticed that the binaries (.EXEs) seem forcibly 8.3 compatible,
will that still work in raw DOS? I mean, I know it can and should, but
did you test it? GCC usually demands LFNs (although DJGPP seems to
work both ways, thankfully). I guess I need to try to do a temporary
install and test it myself for us.

Okay, I do see "fetch.sh", which halfway shows what to do to rebuild.
I'm just saying, I suspect that Jim wants to (eventually?) mirror this
to iBiblio, and he will of course want "full" sources. But I realize
this isn't finalized yet, just a preview snapshot. It's sadly too easy
to overlook full sources and dependencies, so most people ignore it,
and that makes things harder for us.  :-/

Thanks for your efforts.

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