On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 11:24 AM Gregory Pietsch via Freedos-devel
<freedos-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> FD edlin ignores a leading space. If you want the leading space to be
> searched for, put the string in quotes; e.g.
> 1r"written"," written"
> The reason why I didn't stick a ^Z there is because I wanted to get
> away from control characters in the commands, and a comma just looks
> better, IMHO.

Ah - very helpful! That solves my problem. Thanks!

Also can use the same trick to change a comma to something else.
Here's another 1-line demo:

1: period.

If you can't see it well, that's a 'comma inside double quotes' then a
comma, then a 'period inside double quotes.'

But really it just needs the quotes about the comma, and only if it's
the first comma. Here's an example to change it back again:

1: period,
1: period.
1: period,

That last one changes the period to a comma, and you don't need the
double quotes around the second comma in this case.


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