Arkady V.Belousov wrote:

31-Дек-2004 21:37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenneth Davis) wrote to

use NT OW binaries on NT, add access to more options from build cmd line
+++ defaults.bat      31 Dec 2004 21:37:51 -0000
+set BINPATH=%BASE%\bin
+if "%COMPILER%" == "TC"     set BINPATH=%BASE%
+if "%COMPILER%" == "WATCOM" set BINPATH=%BASE%\binw
+if "%COMPILER%" == "WATCOM" if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" set BINPATH=%BASE%\binnt
+echo Path to compiler programs (binaries) is %BINPATH%

if not "%BINPATH%" == "" goto skip_binpath


set binpath=%BASE%\bin if "%COMPILER%" == "TC" set BINPATH=%BASE% if "%COMPILER%" == "WATCOM" set BINPATH=%BASE%\binw if "%COMPILER%%OS%" == "WATCOMWindows_NT" set BINPATH=%BASE%\binnt



echo Path to compiler programs (binaries) is %BINPATH% :skip_binpath

+:- MSC searches libraries only through LIB variable.
+if "%COMPILER%" == "MSC" set LIB=%MSC_BASE%\lib

if "%COMPILER%%LIB%" == "MSC" set LIB=%MSC_BASE%\lib


I like

+set XCPU_EX=
+++ build.bat 31 Dec 2004 21:37:51 -0000
+echo ":-----------------------------------------------------------------------"

     This ECHO shows line with quotes.

and? its just there so I don't have to keep opening the batch file to
see what its arguments are, they should be balanced though, making a bounding box (at least for me it does)

if "%1" == "386"   set XCPU=386
+if "%1" == "x86"   goto setCPU

This option doesn't shown in "help screen".

its not really a useful option, that was me testing to see if setting the compiler to > 386 made a difference (since I rarely test on anything less than a 486), but all OW's settings produced identical code (though its possible the setting somehow didn't propagate, for the curious, it basically sets XCPU=386 and later adds the %1 as a compiler switch (eg -4 instead of -3).

cd ..\sys
call %MAKE% all
if errorlevel 1 goto abort-cd
+if NOT "%XUPX%" == "" %XUPX% ..\bin\

     Isn't better to place XUPX call inside sys\makefile, like in

yes, I would prefer it in the Makefile, but I do not know how to do in way that works with all our make.exe programs to only perform the upx if %XUPX% is set. If you (or someone) has a suggested patch, please send it to the list (or me at my fdos address).

I'll see about updating this shortly.

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