Charles Doty wrote:

Is there a specific reason to compile out the check and not simply use the config option to disable the 2 second f5/f8 check?

I missed that config option. Is it in config.b?

No, perhaps I should have been more clear. It is a settable configuration option via sys config skipconfigseconds=#
where # (see kconfig.h) represents:

< 0 : not possible to skip config.sys (no check), and no delay
= 0 : only possible if already pressed before, no delay or message
> 0 : wait that many seconds for F5/F8 to be pressed

Additionally ensure BootHarddiskSeconds (another sys config option) is the default of 0 (or a negative value) so when not booting from a hard drive it just continues the boot without waiting/prompting the user. A positive value here will cause a delay, with a default action of booting from the hard drive instead of the floppy or whatever (useful if you tend to leave a bootable floppy or CD in the drive but usually want it actually boot).


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