Thanks for telling where to find the minimal OW--versions are 1.3 (16bit
targets), 1.7a (not downloaded), and 1.8 DOS only--20+ megs (I think-not
(Also on the page--DJGPP small versions; to kernel builders: IGNORE THESE)

For what it's worth, Borland C++ 5.5 may not be able to build the kernel;
it seems to be 32bit only (Win32s supported, HX-compatible, reputedly
supports RTM32).
Does OW support -1, -2 optimizations (186/286)?

Other compilers (unsupported):
bcc (prerelease, .COM/ELF output, ...)
Desmet C (buggy included libs, bad at optimizing--but 3rd party FOSS
optimizer, GPL, we have our own libs for the kernel)
MARS C (similar to OW in features, free, but don't know license)

Could we include an "ANSI" C binding as a starter for new bindings?

Pat et al.:
The cd driver issue sounds like it may be a SATA drive
NO IDE/ATAPI drives found (XCDROM fails to load)
FDCD001 not found (SHSUCDX finds no drives)
 How soon is FreeDOS 1.1 coming out? A new boot floppy image would
probably fix it, if it includes the right drivers.

?nnDEVICE=UIDEJR.SYS /D:FDCD001  ;If I recall correctly

Thank you,

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