Hello everyone,
First, I have a bug report against the 1497 fdos.org build of sys
if I specify a file to write the bootsector to (sys c: large.bin, with or
without /BOOTONLY or /BOTH), sys crashes with "Invalid opcode at 00AB
System halted"
(no drivers, HimemX, or Jemmex)
And the result is a hard crash-a physical reset is necessary.
This is on VirtualBox PUEL, but I seem to recall seeing this before with
Qemu and real hardware.
As far as I can tell, there was no change in sys from 1496 (build 2039) to
1499 (current svn).  Thus, it should be reproducible with any new build.

Second, I would like to request that nonls be re-enabled, since 2039
OW/UPX kernels seem to be about 2-4 kb larger than 2038.  I don't mean to
ask that the default build options be changed, just that it be possible.
The size can make the difference between including and omitting a program
like BATT or a terminal program on a boot floppy.
But there are uses for NLS, such as codepage changing.
Also, could the "LFN helper api" be commented out of the default build?
It is compiled and linked when using TC 2.01, even if nolfn is specified
(though the code doesn't use the functions, make specifies to build and
link it).
The code in question is not current (reserves 3 fnodes, when only 2 are
presently in use), and it is only a backend for an unwritten TSR.
However, I would suggest not fully deleting the code in case someone
decides to play around with it.
The TC kernel cannot be UPXed, since it is ~7-10 kb too large (70-73 kb).

Third, would anyone be interested seeing the no-hd patches (and related
stuff) merged into the tree as a build option (eg "build fat16 nohd")?
For what it's worth, this sounds like CD and _perhaps_ USB drivers would
work, but not native USB boot (emulates HD), flash chips, or anything that
doesn't use a floppy or floppy emulation.  But we have two people who use


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