Hi! As said, I can imagine that the BIOS of your
system has problems if the USB stick and DOM both
count as harddisks. But you already have bootable
DOS installed from floppy now, so I suggest ways
which are easier:

You can connect the DOM instead of the normal disk
to a "bigger" PC with CD-ROM and powerful BIOS and
install there, then put the DOM into the small PC

You can use the ability of FreeDOS drivers to use
ISO files instead of physical CD/DVD drives and
then run the installer from that virtual CD ROM.

Read the SHSU* driver documentation or check the
contents of the normal ISO for examples of how to
load and configure the drivers.

You can use older versions of FreeDOS boot images
because those only use FLOPPY type boot areas and
avoid the conflict of the current virtual HARDDISK
boot image. Then, upgrade to a newer version using
the installed version, or just keep things as-is.

So there are many ways to have a guilt-free DOS :-)

Regards, Eric

PS: Yes, you can use USB drives formatted ZIP style
to boot from with various - but not all - BIOSes.

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