On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 8:21 AM TK Chia <u1049321...@caramail.com> wrote:
> > No recursion and no floating point will be blockers users need to keep
> > in mind, but being able to build for 8bit micros like the 8080, Z-80,
> > and 6502 is a definite plus..
> The Cowgol page (http://cowlark.com/cowgol/index.html) says that the
> lack of recursion is because most of the target platforms "don't really
> support stack frames".  I wonder if that means there will also be a
> problem writing, say, thread-safe routines or re-entrant routines.

Likely.  But if you need to do that, why would you write in cowgol?

I am trying to imagine Honest to $DEITY threaded code on an 8 bit
micro, and failing.

Re-entrant code is a bit less of a stretch, but you'll still need
stack space to keep track of the recursion, and that will bite hard.

> Incidentally, the Cowgol author, Mr. David Given, also currently
> maintains the Amsterdam Compiler Kit
> (https://github.com/davidgiven/ack), which was reportedly used in Minix.
>   I think ACK might also be potentially useful for MS-DOS program
> development.

I missed that.  I'd heard of th Amsterdam Compiler Kit.  It might indeed.

> https://gitlab.com/tkchia :: https://github.com/tkchia

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