Your head is full of a lot of good imformation.
You should write a book to spread it around.
We need more USB experts.


On Thu, 30 Sep 2021 16:42:03 GMT "Bret Johnson" <>
> > Bret, you are one of the few people who know how
> > to write USB software. How did you learn to do it?
> > Are there any good books on the subject?
> It's mostly been trial and error (with a heavy emphasis on the 
> error).  My main reading for USB is just the USB specifications.
> Unfortunately, almost none of the USB hardware is 100% compliant 
> with the specifications (which, believe it or not, Microsoft seems 
> to encourage, at least indirectly).  So, in addition to the 
> specifications, I need to occasionally do Internet searches for how 
> problems are handled by others, and also occasionally look at Linux 
> source code.  I normally can't use the Linux source code directly, 
> though, since it's written in C instead of ASM and the Linux 
> architecture is completely different than DOS (Linux doesn't have 
> TSR's and doesn't have the same kinds of memory limitations that DOS 
> has).  I don't know if you've really ever noticed, but TSR's that 
> are written in high-level languages (like C or Pascal) usually have 
> lots of in-line ASM since high-level languages don't work very well 
> when manipulating hardware.  But, the Linux code reveals a lot of 
> experience in what doesn't work and some information about 
> non-compliant or non-standard hardware and where the non-compliance 
> occurs.
> The main USB-related web page I frequent is: 
> and she (Jan Axelson) has written some USB books, though I've never 
> read them.  A lot of the questions on the PORTS Forum have to do 
> with how to get things to work with Windows and are not "general" 
> USB-related as such, but are sometimes still interesting or 
> relevant.
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