
There seems to be a general misunderstanding that DOS only supports 80x25 
columns. While it is possible that an extremely lazy programmer would hard code 
for that resolution, most did not. Even back in the early days the display 
could be in 40x25, 80x43, 80x50 and numerous other text resolutions. Through 
the use of special text mode fonts, most VGA cards could even support different 
font heights producing very unusual display resolutions such as 80x20, 80x16, 
40x22, etc. Therefore it was always a bad idea to hard code support for a 
single display resolution into software. 

Overall, the operating system software provided with FreeDOS, MS-DOS and the 
others work fine in all text mode resolution as long as they have BIOS support. 
 As for other none-base software, you may have mixed results. It just depends 
on skill of the programmer and how much effort they put into that aspect of 
their software.

The real issue lays with BIOS support of text modes over 80 columns. 

Back in the 386/486 days, many cards supported “high resolution” graphics 
modes. Since DOS was still a primary market for such cards, many vendors 
included support for higher resolution text modes in the BIOS (like 132x43). 
Those higher resolution modes generally worked fine under DOS.

As Windows and graphical desktops in general became popular, the card 
manufacturers changed their focus away from text mode. With each iteration, 
fewer and fewer cards included support for high resolution text modes in the 

The newer the video card, the less likely it is to support text modes with over 
80 columns. Out of the older hardware I have laying around, my 486 has the most 
text modes and PentiumPro only has a few extras. But, all the newer stuff 
doesn’t have any. Sure they have way more graphics modes, but none of the newer 
stuff includes any high resolution text modes. 

If you want to see what text video modes are supported by your hardware, try 
LISTVESA. As the name suggests, it will show all the VESA modes supported by 
the card.

Although VESA is the generally the standard way to discover such modes in DOS, 
some vendors were known to provide access to additional modes using the 
standard BIOS mode change function. Those can be problematic to discover.

For example, DOSBox has a couple such modes. It provides a 132x25 as mode 0x55 
(I think) and mode 132x43 as mode 0x54 (I think). 

A tool to easily change to those standard, additional or VESA modes is the 
VMODE utility. It is part of V8Power Tools. However, earlier versions did not 
support those additional modes that were non-standard (like 0x55). So, make 
sure you have the latest version of V8Power Tools. The newest version can 
switch to standard, additional and VESA modes. 



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