Hi Aitor,

I would assume that right alt DELIBERATELY does not act like
a generic ALT key in EDIT: In German, for example, you need
that right "Alt Gr" key for some accented characters, so it
must not act as a function shift key. I remember not being
able to use some other editor exactly because it treated any
ALT like ALT, making me unable to type "@" because it wanted
to treat it like "ALT-Q" or "ALT-@" with a special meaning
for the ALT status instead of as an ordinary character.

Maybe it would be useful to make this configurable in EDIT,
but in a minimalist way, for example a checkbox whether R-ALT
counts as ALT (for hotkeys) or is not to be interfered with.

Regards, Eric


Sounds like it could be a bug in Edit, I'll see about it when I have a
little time.

Now for the original question: is it possible to make R-Alt work like L-Alt?
It should be possible to do that with FD-KEYB.The idea is to intercept
Right-Alt and then emit Left-Alt, and get back to the BIOS driver. This
trick is unlikely lo work in a pre-AT-class machines, but in this older
machines, you can try and run FD-KEYB with the /9 and see if it works.

The trick is like this: R-Alt is an E0-prefixed L-Alt, so you should define
a new plane for the E0:

Then, make a new mappings sections that would just catch the R-Alt and emit
a L-Alt (the scancode for Alt is 38h = 56

56    56/#0

Finally, add this new mapping to your Submappings section, at the end, so
that it works as a fallback for the other cases (change the codepage for
whatever you desire):

437   ralt

If someone wants to give it a try and works, let me know, should be
interesting stuff.
You can apply the same trick to make "extended" keys work as non-extended.


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