OK, so I figured out how to resolve it literally moments after I sent the 
previous email :-) It is based on the docs:

- https://github.com/FDOS/cpi/blob/master/Readme.txt

- http://wiki.freedos.org/wiki/index.php/Mode

Following solution works:

display con=(ega,852,1)

mode con codepage prepare ((852) C:\freedos\cpi\ega.cpx)

mode con codepage select=852

All czech-specific letters are printed correctly now.

Is this the recommended way? Or is there some a bit more straightforward 
approach possible, please? I guess this is something probably any user who
wishes to use some Czech with FreeDOS must hit. (Is it worth documenting?)

Or maybe it is only me :-)


---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Lukáš Kotek via Freedos-user <freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net>
Komu: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Kopie: Lukáš Kotek <lu...@lukaskotek.eu>
Datum: 19. 12. 2023 18:03:46
Předmět: [Freedos-user] Codepage and keyboard setting for Czech language
"Hello everyone,

I am trying to use Czech keyboard layout on FreeDOS, but I guess I am doing
some, probably obvious, mistake here. Can you help or point me to what I am
doing wrong, please?

I am running FreeDOS on Fedora 39 using qemu 8.1 (but behaviour is fully 
reproducible also with VirtualBox). My full qemu command is:

qemu-system-i386 -m 64 -k cz -rtc base=localtime -display gtk -hda dos.img -
cdrom FD13LGCY.iso -boot order=c -enable-kvm -device sb16 -device adlib -
drive file=fat:rw:share/

I set keyboard layout via `keyb cz,852`, but some czech-specific letters are
shown incorrectly (letters with hooks etc). Czech keyboard uses following 
letters ;+ěščřžýáíé=´ (on keys where US layout has `1234567890-= chars). The
most of these is always printed incorrectly, I also tried with DosBOX which
show it just fine (see pictures bellow to compare).

- https://lukaskotek.eu/static/dosbox_correct_chars.png
- https://lukaskotek.eu/static/freedos_incorrect_chars.png
- https://lukaskotek.eu/static/freedos_multiple_codepages.png

I also experimented with different codepages like cp858, cp867, but with no

I tried to save these special chars via echo command to the text file on 
drive shared with my Linux host and then, on the host, I converted the file
to utf8 with iconv by:

iconv -f cp852 -t utf8 -o czech_ch_converted.txt czech_ch.txt

...and in that case all the letters in the output file are completely fine :

Any idea what can be wrong? I noticed there is app Blocek which is
definitely expected to work properly with Czech language, so the problem is
very probably on my side. I just cannot see it. I'll be glad for any advice

Best regards,
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