Hi! Especially to Lunduke fans having their "second part" of DOS week... about 
one year and a half after first part.
So from April 3 to April 10 2024.
I am not a paid subscriber to lunduke.locals.com and just observing it from far.

I decided to retry FreeDOS after not using it for too many months.

And as I do in this time... I search back the messages I have previously left 
on the list to help me know how to launch qemu...
as I don't think the wiki have an article about it...
But it has been a long time... and I am seeding a new message for the next 

So FDT2404 is out: "
FreeDOS 2404-Test ("FreeDOS T2404")

Warning: This is a FreeDOS development build and is for testing purposes.
It may exhibit behavior vary different from a release build and may not be
suitable for regular use. For general use, please consider using the latest
release build available at http://freedos.org

And can be found at:

This time, I  have chosen to use 
rather than the usual 
Mostly, I find a disk image, a more simple and logical format that a CDROM or 
DVD image format (iso file).

So with an iso file I would use -cdrom image.iso... but the FullUSB.zip 
contains an .img file, that I will use the same
qemu parameter as the hard drive destination image: -drive 
format=raw,file=$DISK where DISK=T2404FULL.img

Steps goes about like this:
Download and extract 
 in FDT2404 directory.
cd FDT2404
qemu-img create fdos.img 1000M

At install time, I present first INSTALLDISK, then DESTDISK:
qemu-system-i386 -cpu 486 -name FreeDOS -machine pc-i440fx-4.2 -m 64 -drive 
format=raw,file=$INSTALLDISK -drive format=raw,file=$DESTDISK -audiodev 
pa,id=mysnd -device sb16,audiodev=mysnd -device adlib,audiodev=mysnd -machine 
pcspk-audiodev=mysnd -vga cirrus -display sdl -net nic,model=pcnet -net user

After installation, I present first DESTDISK containing the installed FreeDOS, 
and then INSTALLDISK (not so much needed anymore):
qemu-system-i386 -cpu 486 -name FreeDOS -machine pc-i440fx-4.2 -m 64 -drive 
format=raw,file=$DESTDISK -drive format=raw,file=$INSTALLDISK -audiodev 
pa,id=mysnd -device sb16,audiodev=mysnd -device adlib,audiodev=mysnd -machine 
pcspk-audiodev=mysnd -vga cirrus -display sdl -net nic,model=pcnet -net user

Information given at boot seems to say E: is the INSTALLDISK... but it is 
really D: ... I don't know why.

Games seems to work often better than it did in my memory.
Was it on VirtualBox that color palette was wrong?

Also... Magic Mirror game seems to start... and I did not remember to have seen 
it working before.

For me DHCP seems not really working... but I run this on Vanilla  OS ... with 
apx run $command .... and so I think maybe it does not work because the virtual 
is running inside the Ubuntu sub-machine (an other virtual machine as far as I 

So it seems to be the gist of what I wanted to say.

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