On Thu, 30 Jun 2016, pgb205 wrote:
Ben, do you mind sharing your solution as I am affected by the exact same error 
when fetching AD domains.
I'm currently on vacation and don't have access to my lab, but you need
to check if there are any problems with SELinux. 'ipa
trust-fetch-domains' calls out via DBus to another script. It is
functionally equivalent to the following command run as root:

# oddjob_request -s com.redhat.idm.trust -o / -i com.redhat.idm.trust 
com.redhat.idm.trust.fetch_domains ad.test

where ad.test is your AD root domain.

If you add 'log level = 100' in /usr/share/ipa/smb.conf.empty, then this
run will generate a lot of debug information.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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