On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 09:33:35AM +1000, Lachlan Musicman wrote:
> Ok, I've just spoken with my colleague that has been involved in the IPA
> roll out, and he said he thought that override_space wasn't compatible with
> ID overrides?

I haven't tested that to be honest. But just using my knowledge of the
code as a basis, I would say the two should be compatible, especially
with 1.14.0 where we decoupled the output from how we store users. But
again, I haven't tested any of this.

> Either way, since we have a working system we are reticent to make too many
> changes - soon we will have a test system in place and I will be able to
> check it then?

selinux_provider=none should be an easy workaround if you don't use the
SELinux labels. I still have an item on my todo list to test this
locally, I think I will get to that this week.

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