In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Maxim789 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have a MAX6000 configured to accept dial in calls with dynamic IPs, etc, etc. 

Please post to just one list. I just replied to your message on
the cistron-radius list.

It's considered very rude to post the same question to different
lists (or newsgroups), especially if you don't use Cc: (or
crossposting, for newsgroups). Now several people are going to
independently reply to your problem, taking double the effort.

>The radius server logs file reports with different kind of "security

Is it a Cistron Radius server or a FreeRadius server. If the former,
use the cistron-radius list, if the latter, use this list.

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Oh and please read the lists info page. A pointer to it is at
the bottom of every message posted to the list. It tells you
not to use HTML on the list, and how to configure your email
client for that.

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 and I'm not sure about the former" -- Albert Einstein.

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