Run the freeRADIUS in debugging mode "radiusd -X" to see how many stop 
accounting requests are coming from NAS.

>From: Alecio Maduro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: multiple stop records for same Acct-Session-Id
>Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 11:47:26 -0400
>Seems like a difficult question.
>Any candidates ?
>At 06:13 2/20/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>>When preparing the billing of last month, we discovered that for various
>>accounts there are multiple at time more then 10 instances, of stop
>>records for the same Acct-Session-Id of which the time differs.
>>What can the possible cause(s) be for this. NAS used is a PortMaster 3.
>>This is the first time we experience this.
>>Is there any utility to get rind of the superfluous (extra) records ?
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