I have noticed that I have not been able to pass Attributes to the user-base with MySQL / PAP.


When I originally setup freeradius I used the built in files (users, clients, etc.) and had no problem passing attributes to the users. I have attributes in the MySQL table radreply and it seems that everything is okay, however, those values are not getting passed back to the end-user. I have the cisco vsa hack turned on, and have set my radreply table up similar to the documentation page at http://www.frontios.com/freeradius.html


The table looks like this:


Id          User                 Attribute                        Value                Op

1          testing              Framed-IP-Address     ==

2          testing              Expiration                      2002-06-20        ==


What I'm trying to do is figure out how to set up Framed IP address's as well as make an account expire on a given day.


Let me know if I'm missing something, thanks.


Chris DeRamus
HQ VPN Administrator


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