"Hamid Ali Asgari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This seems to be a security hole.

  Why would you say that?

> I have changed the IP address of the radius server, and the problemn
> got resolved, both machines which ere having problems are now
> working fine!!!

  So, do you have sample packets which cause the server to crash?

> I have applied access-list and denied any IP traffic other than my
> radius clients

  Which is always a good idea, by the way.

>  and now its working fine. It dowsn't have to do anything with RAM
> !!!  The developers should take a look at this.

  At what?  You've reported a problem, but we have no way of verifying
the problem is what you claim.  We have no way of reproducing the

  So there's little to nothing that we can do to fix it.

  Alan DeKok.

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