Joshua Corbin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Have that working, I even have my op field set to :=3D instead of null
> (I've been following the list for a while now :), maybe you should
> document that better as that was causing the weird behavior that I had
> posted earlier about).

  Any suggestions?

  To be honest, I'm confused about the confusion people have with the
'op' field.  The standard 'users' file and other examples show
attributes, values, and operators.  The SQL schema contains attribute,
value, and something called 'op'.  It would seem logical that IF you
want SQL to do the same thing as the 'users' file, you would need to
fill in each field...

  Part of the problem is that the schema SHOULD be 'attribute op
value', not 'attribute value op'.  I'd like to see that changed before

> >   Step 2: Using the 'users' file, get Simultaneous-Use working
> >           in a test environment.  If you don't have a test
> >           environment, make one now.
> Hmm, not too sure how easy that's going to be as we don't have a spare
> server to test on

  ... then make one now.  Do you really want to test new
configurations for the first time on a live system?  Unless you like
jumping out of airplanes without a parachute, the answer is "No."

  Set up a test system.  Use 'tcpdump', or something similar to grab
packets off of your live system, and use those for testing.  Use
'radclient' to create new packets, and verify that the response is
what you want.

  If you're not doing that, you'll have a whole lot of angry customers
when you new configuration doesn't do what you expect, and kicks off
2000 users.

> >   Simultaneous-Use requires 'online' accounting information to be
> > stored somewhere.  For 0.7, this means 'radutmp'.  So without using
> > the 'radutmp' module, you'll have a hard time getting Simultaneous-Use
> > to work.
> Must I use radutmp?  Why not sql accounting?

  No.  The accounting is different from session maintenance.
Accounting is long-term storage of what happened.  The session
database maintains a list of who is on now, and when they log off,
throws that information away.

  I don't recall if SQL sessions are supported completely in 0.7.  I
do know they're in the CVS head.

  Alan DeKok.

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