Thomas Jalsovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I'm right (I heard this nut not checked yet), NFS has hard and soft
> modes. When the soft mode is turned on, every file function fail will
> reported back to the application and won't try to make the job (in loop).

  Yeah, but if the server is writing a lot of data, eventully soft
fail will run out of buffers to store the data.

> Yes, it's true. This solution should be for case when I can't store to
> local disk (disk full/ local filesystem fail). My idea:
> 1. try to store to local filesystem
> 2. if it os OK, go next, if it FAILs, try to save to a remote FS e.g. NFS
> 3. if everything FAILs (little probability) accounting returns with FAIL

  If you can't store to local disk, then it's likely that the whole
server will die.

  I would suggest per-hour detail logs on local disk.  Use radrelay to
back them up to another machine, and delete the old ones.

> p.s.: what is your idea, how should I solve filesystem problems - FS
> fail-over? (I have also SQL databases, but I need for archivation those
> CDRs)

  If all of your file system fail, then the server goes down.

  One option would be to have a front-end server which proxies ALL
requests to a series of back-end servers.  That way the front-end
server has little to no local file system requirements, and the
back-ends are simple and independent.  When one back-end goes down,
the front-end fails over to another back-end.

  That kind of solution is MUCH preferred to having a complicated
local configuration.

  Alan DeKok.

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