Title: RE: Is it possible to split authentication and authorization requests based on NAS IP?

Thanks, I sort of get what you are saying. But where do I define which sql.conf file to look in? I assume that I would want sql1 for example to point to sql.conf and sql2 to point to sql2.conf or however I choose to set it up. I defined sql1 and sql2 in my radiusd.conf section and it made the application error out. I assume I have to define this elsewhere, any suggestions?

Chris DeRamus
OCIO VPN Administrator

-----Original Message-----
From: Dustin Doris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: Is it possible to split authentication and authorization requests based on NAS IP?

Yes you can do that now. In your users file put.

DEFAULT NAS-IP-Address == "", Autz-Type := sql1

DEFAULT NAS-IP-Address == "", Autz-Type := sql2

Then you can setup two different sql types.  Then in authorization in
radius.conf add

        autztype sql1 {
        autztype sql2 {

You can do the same thing with auth types and set Auth-Type := whatever.

On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Deramus, Chris wrote:

> I will try to make this as simple to understand as possible. Basically in
> our production environment we are trying to use our FreeRADIUS server to do
> authentication for both VPN users (stored in radcheck) and Sprint dialup
> users. In my radcheck table, I have the typical UserName, Attribute, Value,
> and op fields, but I also have a lot of user information. My table structure
> looks like this:
> +---------------+-----------------+------+-----+---------------------+------
> ----------+
> | Field         | Type            | Null | Key | Default             | Extra
> |
> +---------------+-----------------+------+-----+---------------------+------
> ----------+
> | id            | int(5) unsigned |      | PRI | NULL                |
> auto_increment |
> | UserName      | varchar(64)     |      | MUL |                     |
> |
> | Attribute     | varchar(16)     |      |     | Password            |
> |
> | Value         | varchar(253)    |      |     |                     |
> |
> | op            | char(2)         | YES  |     | :=                  |
> |
> | Org           | varchar(16)     |      |     |                     |
> |
> | Name          | varchar(64)     |      |     |                     |
> |
> | Mail          | varchar(128)    |      |     |                     |
> |
> | WorkPhone     | varchar(24)     |      |     |                     |
> |
> | Requestor     | varchar(128)    |      |     |                     |
> |
> | DateCreated   | datetime        |      |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
> |
> | DateUpdated   | datetime        |      |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
> |
> | Profile       | varchar(8)      |      |     |                     |
> |
> | Sprint        | enum('N','Y')   |      |     | N                   |
> |
> | NewNotice     | enum('N','Y')   |      |     | N                   |
> |
> | ExpiredNotice | enum('N','Y')   |      |     | N                   |
> |
> +---------------+-----------------+------+-----+---------------------+------
> ----------+
> All VPN authentication requests come from our VPN NAS IP-Address (Static),
> and Sprint requests come from a totally different NAS IP-Address (Static). I
> don't want to duplicate data into radcheck, so I was curious if FreeRADIUS
> has (or is planning to have) the capability (maybe in sql.conf?) to do
> different queries based on different inbound requests? Maybe a some IF THEN
> logic which can say if the nas-ip is equal to value then execute
> authentication_query number 1, else execute authentication_query number 2.
> Would this be possible to add into your program? If it's already available
> then please let me know, because I can't seem to get separate queries to
> work at this moment.
> Cordially,
> Chris DeRamus
> OCIO VPN Administrator
> Verizon
> 301-903-2093

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