Paul Hampson wrote:
 Yet, somehow, IAS does CHAP against AD.  Is anyone willing to bet
*against* the idea that Microsoft has one API for customers, and
another, better API for themselves?

So surely you could proxy CHAP requests to IAS, and authenticate other
requests using the superior powers of FreeRADIUS. You'd end up with
a post-proxy section that looks a lot like your post-auth section.

I'm probably terribly terribly wrong here, but to my mind you _should_
be able to. After all, MS _have_ supplied a RADIUS interface to the
passwords on the server, which seems an improvement over having to
write the W32API authentication calls yourself.

In my case I am ONLY using Radius for our VPN and do not really expect this to change. While I would like to use freeradius it does not make much sense to do so. For others your suggestion probably makes more sense.

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