On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 11:17:12AM +0200, m0bius wrote:
> > > DEFAULT Service-Type == Framed-User,  Pool-Name := "main_pool"
> > >         Framed-MTU = 1500,
> > >         Service-Type = Framed-User,
> > >         Fall-Through = 1,
> > >         Ascend-IP-Pool-Definition = "1 111.222.333.97 93"
> > As far as I understand, an Ascend-Pool def is not needed in the
> > described setup. If the radius assigns IPs, the MAX does not need a
> > pool, just route the IPs to it.
> Actually Ascend-IP-Pool-Definition has been there since my early tests
> and hasn't been removed by a mistake.
> > On the other hand: why not just let the MAX distribute the IPs? make a
> > pools-NAS-NAME entry which assigns your pools to the NAS and choose
> > the pool via the Ascend-Assign-IP-Pool attribute. Works fine (I have
> > about a dozend MAX 2000/4000/6000/TNT with this setup).
> So let me see if I get this straight. I should create something like:
> pools-nas1 Ascend-Assign-IP-Pool := "nas1_pool" ?


Example (makes three pools on nas1 and has 3 test users which each get
an ip from a different pool):

pools-nas1      Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "ascend"
        Service-Type = Outbound-User,
        Ascend-IP-Pool-Definition = "1 126",
        Ascend-IP-Pool-Definition = "2 126",
        Ascend-IP-Pool-Definition = "3 126"

user1   Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "test1"
        Service-Type = Framed,
        Framed-Protocol = MPP,
        Ascend-Maximum-Channels = 2,
        Ascend-Assign-IP-Pool = 1,
        Ascend-Idle-Limit = 3600,
        Ascend-Client-Primary-DNS =,
        Ascend-Client-Secondary-DNS =,
        Ascend-Client-Assign-DNS = DNS-Assign-Yes

user2   Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "test2"
        Service-Type = Framed,
        Framed-Protocol = MPP,
        Ascend-Maximum-Channels = 2,
        Ascend-Assign-IP-Pool = 2,
        Ascend-Idle-Limit = 3600,
        Ascend-Client-Primary-DNS =,
        Ascend-Client-Secondary-DNS =,
        Ascend-Client-Assign-DNS = DNS-Assign-Yes

user3   Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "test3"
        Service-Type = Framed,
        Framed-Protocol = MPP,
        Ascend-Maximum-Channels = 2,
        Ascend-Assign-IP-Pool = 3,
        Ascend-Idle-Limit = 3600,
        Ascend-Client-Primary-DNS =,
        Ascend-Client-Secondary-DNS =,
        Ascend-Client-Assign-DNS = DNS-Assign-Yes

This works well with fallback defaults / sql group replies.


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