>> Control instead of config ?
>   Yes.  "config" is already used for configuration-file stuff.

Both appear to work and do the same thing when updating things...


It appears that either update request is broken,
or something else weird is happening.

if(("%{User-Name}" =~ /([^-]+)-emergency-/) || ("%{User-Name}" =~ 
/\\\\?([EMAIL PROTECTED])@?([-[:alnum:]._]*)?$/)) {
         if(("%{2}" == "") || ("%{2}" == "sussex.ac.uk")){
                 update request {
                         Stripped-User-Name := "%{1}"
                         Realm := "local"
                 update request {
                         Stripped-User-Name := "%{0}"
                         Realm = "%{2}"

That sorts out username formating, means you can use 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and things will still work *sigh* (never 
underestimate the stupidity of yours users).

It basically says if user has no realm or has specified sussex as their 
realm, update the request, set stripped-user-name to be their username 
and set Realm to be "local".

else set their username as the entire User-Name string and set the 
request realm to be their specified Realm.

Later in the config file theres:

# Eventually if we ever need to proxy to multiple locations we can do 
checks here, but for now assume all non local realms go through JRS
if("%{request:Realm}" != "local"){
         update control {
                 Proxy-To-Realm := "jrs"
         update request {
                 Realm := "jrs"

So if the realm is not local then proxy to realm jrs (this is why I was 
waiting for the switch statement :) )

++? if (("%{User-Name}" =~ /([^-]+)-emergency-/) || ("%{User-Name}" =~ 
/\\\\?([EMAIL PROTECTED])@?([-[:alnum:]._]*)?$/))
         expand: %{User-Name} -> ac221
?? Evaluating ("%{User-Name}" =~ /([^-]+)-emergency-/) -> FALSE
         expand: %{User-Name} -> ac221
?? Evaluating ("%{User-Name}" =~ 
/\\\\?([EMAIL PROTECTED])@?([-[:alnum:]._]*)?$/) -> TRUE
++? if (("%{User-Name}" =~ /([^-]+)-emergency-/) || ("%{User-Name}" =~ 
/\\\\?([EMAIL PROTECTED])@?([-[:alnum:]._]*)?$/)) -> TRUE
++- entering if (("%{User-Name}" =~ /([^-]+)-emergency-/) || 
("%{User-Name}" =~ /\\\\?([EMAIL PROTECTED])@?([-[:alnum:]._]*)?$/))
+++? if (("%{2}" == "") || ("%{2}" == "sussex.ac.uk"))
         expand: %{2} ->
?? Evaluating ("%{2}" == "") -> TRUE
?? Skipping ("%{2}" == "sussex.ac.uk")
+++? if (("%{2}" == "") || ("%{2}" == "sussex.ac.uk")) -> TRUE
+++- entering if (("%{2}" == "") || ("%{2}" == "sussex.ac.uk"))
         expand: %{1} -> ac221
++++[request] returns updated
+++- if (("%{2}" == "") || ("%{2}" == "sussex.ac.uk")) returns updated
+++ ... skipping else for request 0: Preceding "if" was taken
++- if (("%{User-Name}" =~ /([^-]+)-emergency-/) || ("%{User-Name}" =~ 
/\\\\?([EMAIL PROTECTED])@?([-[:alnum:]._]*)?$/)) returns updated
++? if ("%{request:Realm}" != "local")
         expand: %{request:Realm} ->
? Evaluating ("%{request:Realm}" != "local") -> TRUE
++? if ("%{request:Realm}" != "local") -> TRUE
++- entering if ("%{request:Realm}" != "local")
+++[control] returns updated

See brokeness:

?? Evaluating ("%{2}" == "") -> TRUE
?? Skipping ("%{2}" == "sussex.ac.uk")
+++? if (("%{2}" == "") || ("%{2}" == "sussex.ac.uk")) -> TRUE
+++- entering if (("%{2}" == "") || ("%{2}" == "sussex.ac.uk"))
         expand: %{1} -> ac221
++++[request] returns updated

Stripped-User-Name set to ac221
and i'm guessing Realm set to local...

but then:

++? if ("%{request:Realm}" != "local")
         expand: %{request:Realm} ->

No local ?!
Arran Cudbard-Bell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting Officer
Infrastructure Services | ENG1 E1-1-08
University Of Sussex, Brighton
EXT:01273 873900 | INT: 3900
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