JB wrote:

attr = 'Auth-Type'
op = ':='
value = 'Reject'

Of course! How embarrassing. ;-)
I actually tried that before but during the reply-items-query which has no effect. Returning Auth-Type := Reject from the check-items-query does the trick. Makes sense, doesn't it?

Ok, now I'm returning Auth-Type := Reject from my check-items-query and I hoped to be able to send a little more in depth information along the way in the Reply-Message attribute, but unfortunately this info gets lost. It seems that I have to fill this attribute in the reply-items-query.

Does this mean the reply-items-query has to trigger the same functions as the check-items-query again to find out what the reason for the reject was? Or do I have to fill a temporary table with the reply message in the check-items-query which gets then returned in the reply-items-query?

Hmm. I guess you're doing something like:

authorize_check_query = "select myproc('%{SQL-User-Name}','...etc...')"

...and are trying to avoid re-calling the same (or another) function in the reply query.

What you could do is place a local attribute in the check items, then copy it to the reply items in an unlang section:

i.e. return 2 rows from the stored proc:

   attr    | op |    value
 My-Reply  | := | some message
 Auth-Type | := | Reject

in /etc/raddb/dictionary:

ATTRIBUTE My-Reply 3000 string

and have:

authorize {
post-auth {
  Post-Auth-Type Reject {
    if (control:My-Reply) {
      update reply {
        Reply-Message = "%{control:My-Reply}"

...be aware however that almost *nothing* pays any attention to Reply-Message :o(

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