So, I'm building a complete solution, from scratch. 

As such, the business owners have some requirements on how many requests it 
should be handle today per second and "some point in the future" as well. 

Would there be any good load testing tools, or some handy way to figure out how 
many tps my current setup can handle? 

I've got a dirt simple Perl script that forks out x radtest processes and I'm 
just right now seeing how many a second I can ship. Problem being, the RADIUS 
server is happily letting me melt down to "client" systems, without breaking a 
sweat. I'd like to load the server, not the clients .. :) I want to see where 
it eventually breaks down, which seems a task in its own right. 

Any pointers would be much appreciated. I'd rather have something I can fire 
off from command line then a GUI solution, for obvious reasons. 


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