> recently upgraded a 2.0.4 CVS system to the 2.0.5 CVS
> and now the radius.log doesnt get populated with any
> OK or FAIL messages when users log in.  

  Which messages?

> config log{} section as per the standard distro and unchanged
> from the 2.0.4 - which logged these things 
> auth = yes   in the log{} section
> anyone else noted this?

  I made some changes to make the code match the documented behavior.
The default values for "auth_badpass" and "auth_goodpass" are "no",
which *doesn't* log anything.

  When I tested it, I didn't see any logs when auth=yes, and
good/badpass = no.  Hence the changes.  If you set good/badpass to
"yes", you will see the log messages.

  Which messages specifically are you looking for?

  Alan DeKok.
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