>Added to ldap.attrmap
>checkItem       Crypt-Password                  userPassword

Don't do that. userPassword is already mapped in ldap module:

# password_attribute: Define the attribute which contains the user
# password.
# While integrating FreeRADIUS with Novell eDirectory, set
# 'password_attribute = nspmpassword' in order to use the universal
# password of the eDirectory users for RADIUS authentication. This will
# work only if FreeRADIUS is configured to build with --with-edir option.
# default: NULL - don't add password
# password_attribute = "userPassword"

# password_radius_attribute: Defined the RADIUS attribute where the
# user password will be stored to. Can be used to set it to NT-Password
or any
# other similar attribute instead of the default
# default: User-Password
# password_radius_attribute = "NT-Password"

>Added to modules/ldap
>ldap ldap1{
>       ....
> identity = (root DN)
> password = (password for the root DN)
> password_header="{crypt}"
> password_attribute=Crypt-Password

No, not password_attribute but password_radius_attribute.
password_attribute should remain userPassword (as it is by default).

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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