Am 08.10.2008 um 09:49 schrieb alois blasbichler:

ablasbichler Cleartext-Password == "ablasbichler"
With no success

Should be := not ==.


Thank you for the the answers. I changed how you suggested but without success.

Another thing : we use md5 encrypted passwords in our Ldap-DB for userpasswords - is it right that the line above in users overwrite this ?

I am not sure, so I won't answer this one.

Here my log (tested with user test password alois)
Why pap use CRYPT encryption not it should be cleartext ?

If you define a Cleartext-Password for a user, it does not mean that you force the use of cleartext for the authentification for the user. If the authentification needs the password in another form, it will transform the cleartext password into the needed form. (For example for MS-CHAP, it would encode the password into UTF32-LE and then make the MD4 hash of it.)


Have a nice day!


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